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The Benefits Outweigh the Cost of Geothermal Heating and Cooling installation.

Geothermal energy systems provide consumers with the means to reduce their environmental impact, while realizing significant financial savings and limiting their dependence on fossil fuels. No other method of home heating and cooling can match geothermal as a way to reduce the sky-high costs associated with traditional heating and cooling methods. It is estimated that the average homeowner will save anywhere from 75%-80% on their annual heating and cooling costs after converting to a geothermal energy system. This fact makes the up front cost of geothermal heating and cooling well worth it.

In addition to the financial savings incentive, a Quest Geothermal energy system will provide homeowners the ability to significantly reduce their family’s environmental footprint. A geothermal system installed in an average-sized home, replacing a traditional energy source, will reduce fossil fuel emissions by the equivalent of taking two cars off the road or planting an acre of trees. In a time of diminishing natural resources, these are important considerations.

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